“Mental bearing (calmness), not skill, is the sign of a matured samurai. A Samurai therefore should neither be pompous nor arrogant.” - Tsukahara Bokuden

Welcome to the Samurai Karate website

Our website is a major tool for us to help communicate our purpose, campaigns, services, products and information.


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We’ve taken every care to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date. However, if you come across something you believe is inaccurate, please contact the Web Manager.

Please note that Samurai Karate does not take responsibility for any damage or loss caused by any inaccuracies on this website.


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When you access this site, you are agreeing to do so only for your private use and not for commercial or public use. You are also agreeing that you will not copy, store in any medium, distribute, transmit, modify or show in public any part of the website without the prior written permission of Samurai Karate.

KSI will make every endeavour to deliver services as described on this website. However, changes may be necessary at times and we reserve the right to make changes to those services.


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Unless stated otherwise, Samurai Karate maintains copyright on the information published on this site. The design of the website is owned by KSI and we own or have license to use the photographs found on the website.

Inspirational Quotes

“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” - Sun Tzu