“The Ultimate Warrior leaves no openings - Except in his mind.” - Seishinkan ITP

Kimura Shukokai International (KSI)

The Samurai Karate Franchise in South Africa is affiliated to Kimura Shukokai International (KSI), which is the official World Governing Body of Kimura Shukokai Karate.


Kimura Shukokai International was formed in 1995, after the untimely death of Soke Shigeru Kimura (10th Dan). All four of the World Chief Instructors were students of Master Kimura for many years.


Kimura Shukokai International is headed by Chief Instructors Shihan Chris Thompson (9th Dan) and Shihan Lionel Marinus (9th Dan), both from South Africa; Shihan Eddie Daniels (9th Dan) from Great Britain and Shihan Bill Bressaw (9th Dan) from USA. Each of the  four Shihans trained with Master Kimura for at least 25 years. They continue to teach and develop Master Kimura’s unique technique.


Kimura Shukokai International is continuing to grow and spread its wings to many countries around the world.  KSI is one of the biggest single-style organisations around the world.


What is Karate?

Karate as a form of Martial Arts combines smooth, flowing, evasive movements with kicks and strikes. The emphasis is on both physical and mental power. Karate covers a broad spectrum of self defence, and as such, has an obvious attraction for men, women and children of all ages.


Some of the benefits that can be derived from regular practice of Karate are:

[1] the promotion of physical fitness

[2] Deeper mental awareness and self control

[3] A practical method of self defence

[4] Respect

[5] A stronger understanding of yourself and others

[6] A strong social emphasis where many friendships are made


Samurai Karate

The Samurai Karate Franchise and Dojo are dedicated to providing our members with elite martial arts instruction, with a strong emphasis on self-discipline and respect for others.


The Samurai Karate Dojo in Plumstead are a family based dojo, offering a range of quality services related to your personal fitness requirements. Our core services include, among others, Shukokai karate instruction, customised fitness programmes, personal training and wellness programmes designed to suit the personal needs of people of all ages, with our youngest members being aged three years old.

For information on any of our other customised services, please Contact Us.


Since the family unit are the key building blocks of society, we strive to form dynamic and sustainable relationships with the parents and children who are part of our dojo family. Our continued focus is on strong collaboration and partnerships with members and families within our dojo community. We also strive to create an environment of respect for self and others, and warmly welcome all those wishing to join our community.


Free Training Session

Join us for 2, no obligation, free sessions by contacting us.
Wear something comfortable and flexible, such as a gym T-shirt and tracksuit pants. Classes are open to everyone from three years old. Anyone can become an exemplary member of Samurai as long as he or she has the desire to do so.

Inspirational Quotes

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!” - Audrey Hepburn